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What is an eclipse?

An eclipse is when one celestial object moves in front of another one. There are two types of eclipses, solar and lunar. Solar eclipses occur when the moon moves directly between the Earth and Sun.

How does a solar eclipse work?

solar eclipse, the Moon coming between Earth and the Sun so that the Moon’s shadow sweeps over Earth’s surface. This shadow consists of two parts: the umbra, a cone into which no direct sunlight penetrates; and the penumbra, which is reached by light from only a part of the Sun’s disk.

Why do eclipses happen?

Today scientists understand why eclipses happen and can determine when they will occur. Eclipses happen because planets, moons, and other objects constantly move through space. For instance, Earth travels around the Sun in a path called an orbit. As Earth moves around the Sun, the Moon makes its own orbit around Earth.

What is a total solar eclipse?

For a total eclipse to occur, the Sun, Moon and Earth must be in a direct line. Partial solar eclipse: This happens when the Sun, Moon and Earth are not exactly aligned. The Sun appears to have a dark shadow on a small part of its surface. Annular (an-yə-lər) solar eclipse: An annular eclipse happens when the Moon is farthest from Earth.

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